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What’s New at FireCompass: CISO Dashboard, 799 New Vulnerabilities, 50+ Attack Trees

The cybersecurity landscape is evolving rapidly, and so is our FireCompass PTaaS platform. Our research team remains dedicated to empowering security teams with PTaaS, Continuous Automated Red Teaming( CART), Automated Pen Testing and advanced risk monitoring.

Here’s a quick look at what’s new this month!

CISO Dashboard: Compare Your Security Posture

Our new CISO Dashboard provides customers with a real-time overview of their security score, allowing them to compare their security posture with other FireCompass users.

With detailed tables, charts, and graphs, you get an in-depth view of:

  • Attack surface exposure
  • Open network and web application risks
  • Leaked credentials
  • Risky assets and exposed critical services

Track Risk Score Trends

The new dashboard lets users:

  • Track risk score trends over time
  • Review open risks with guided assessments
  • Monitor playbook and asset coverage to improve risk management

Day 1 CVE Playbook: Includes 799 New Vulnerabilities

With hackers exploiting 40% of critical vulnerabilities within the first 24 hours, staying proactive is crucial. Our Day 1 CVE Asset Exposure Playbook now includes 799 new vulnerabilities, enabling security teams to respond faster than ever.

50+ New Multi-Stage Attack Trees

We’ve added 50+ multi-stage attack trees to our platform in the past 30 days, including:

  • Vulnerability/Misconfiguration Hunting
  • SQL Injection & Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Detection
  • CMS Identification and Version Detection
  • LockBit Ransomware Kill Chain
  • DarkGate Adversary Emulation
  • AWS CloudTrail Tampering

Dynamic Smart Playbook: Continuous Monitoring Made Easy

To combat the growing attack surface, FireCompass introduces the Dynamic Smart Playbook. It:

  • Automatically scans updates to your attack surface
  • Performs actions based on predefined configurations
  • Ensures continuous monitoring by scanning newly identified or tagged assets

Auto-Tagging of Attack Surface: Smarter Asset Management

Our portal now features pre-defined rules for automatic asset tagging. This:

  • Continuously updates your attack surface with relevant tags
  • Automatically removes obsolete assets
  • Allows users to create manual rules for periodic attack surface cleanup

See Why FireCompass Is The Most Comprehensive PTaaS Platform?

If you’d like to see FireCompass in action, and why it is the most comprehensive PTaaS platform combining AI, Automated Pen Testing & Red Teaming, don’t hesitate to Schedule a Demo.

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Priyanka Aash

Priyanka has 10+ years of experience in Strategy, Community Building & Inbound Marketing and through CISO Platform has earlier worked with marketing teams of IBM, VMware, F5 Networks, Barracuda Network, Checkpoint, and more. Priyanka is passionate about Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Marketing Strategy. Earlier she co-founded CISO Platform- the world’s 1st online platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing among senior information security executives.