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Effective Date: 16/5/2020

Last updated:  16/5/2020

We place our highest value on your trust and put top priority on protecting your information and your fundamental right towards privacy and this privacy policy describes the information we collect from you, how we use and process that information and our legal basis for doing so in relation to our services.

This privacy policy is issued on behalf of FireCompass Technologies Private Ltd. (“we”, “FireCompass” or the “Company”) shall comply with the following policy (“Privacy Policy”) in order to protect your privacy.

By accessing, browsing, registering, logging in, making purchases (collectively “use”), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree you must not use, access, browse, register, log in or make purchase from the website.

This policy sets out when and how we use the  information shared by you on this Website . It describes the types of information we may collect from you (“you”, “your” or the “Client”) or that you may provide while using our on premise model or our SaaS model (“Software as a Service”) or the website of the Company (“Website“), all of which contain material, such as software, text, graphics, images, sound recordings, audiovisual works, and other material provided by or on behalf of the Company.

This policy applies to information we collect from the online registration you may have completed at subscription for the Software (“Registration”), or in use of the Software and regarding the computing environment by which you access the Software.

Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, you may choose not to use our Software or not to browse through our website. By accessing our website or using the Software, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy may change from time to time as fully described hereunder. The Privacy Policy of is subject to change at any time without any notice and thus to make sure that you are aware of such changes, you are requested to review this Privacy Policy regularly. Your continued access to our website or your use of the Software after we make changes are made in the Software is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, and you are hereby responsible for checking the policy periodically for updates.

In any case of conflict between this Privacy Policy and the End User License Agreement (“EULA“), the terms of the EULA shall prevail.

You hereby acknowledge and confirm that this policy shall apply to you as well as to any organisation or company that accesses or uses the Software through you (each a “Customer”).

FireCompass’s product may only be used and accessed by the Client which have completed the Registration process, accepted FireCompass’s EULA and been approved for access following FireCompass’s review of the information input by the Client during the Registration process.

We have a few fundamental principles when it comes to privacy and protecting privacy.

    1. We don’t ask you for personal information unless it is required to be collected to either provide the services or for compliance with the law.
    2. We don’t share your personal information with any third party except in strict accordance with the terms of this privacy policy.
    3. We collect non personal information when you use our Services to offer you a personalised and relevant experience.
    4. Any personally identifiable information about you or the Client is stored by us in encrypted  for storage  in our servers and is never shared with any third party  in personally identifiable Form  unless compelled by a governmental or  juridical or quasi-judicial authority to do so in writing by way of an order or a warrant.
    1. Information Collected and manner of collection
      1. We collect information from and regarding Clients, their affiliates, employees and their Customers, including the following information:
        1. Information by which each of the Client’s affiliate, employees and Customers may be personally identified, such as name and e-mail address or any other information input as part of the Registration process or which the Software collects during the use of the Software by the Client which may be defined as personal or Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) under applicable law.
        2. Information regarding the Client’s use of the Software, including statistics and logins, search queries and open posts, and Client’s last IP address. Information provided by the Client when registering for the purpose of using the Software. Records and copies of the Client’s correspondence (including e-mail
          addresses) with us. The Client’s statistics and logins, queries, cases, notifications and open posts, and its last IP address. Information collected when the Client reports a problem with or difficulty while using our Software.
        3. Information collected when the Client interacts with FireCompass’s personnel for any purpose, including reporting a problem with or difficulty using our Software. The information collection is performed directly from a Client when provided at the Registration process or through other means. In addition, the collection and processing of the collected information is automatic as the Client accesses the Website or uses the Software (including usage details, IP addresses and other information obtained through tracking technologies).
      2. You hereby acknowledge and confirm that:
        1. any personally identifiable Information (“PII”) which has been provided by you (or anyone on your behalf including your Customers) to FireCompass, will be used in accordance with FireCompass’s sole discretion subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy;
        2. that you are the owner of such PII or you have
          been granted with an approval of use (including in accordance with this policy) from the owner of such PII, whether such PII owned by you or by any third party and;
        3. you are not infringing any copyright by providing us with this information;
        4. the information is authentic and verified by you;
        5. you are not a minor, of a legal age and of sound mind to comprehend the policy and to enter into a contract;
        6. You expressly consent to collection and storage of  all such information provided by you subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy and any subsequent agreements you may enter into with FireCompass;
      3. PII, collected during Client’s use of software and information collected during interactions with FireCompass personnel shall be hereinafter collectively referred to as “Information” or “Data”.
      4. You hereby agree and provide explicit consent to FireCompass to store, use and process your Information and any other Data as per the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and any other agreement you may enter into to avail the services of FireCompass.
      5. FireCompass assumes no responsibility or liability towards the authenticity of such Information.
    1. Usage of Information

We use Information collected about you or provided by you or any other third party, including any personal information in order to:

      1. Provide you with information that may be requested by you from time to time.
      2. Provide information regarding managing your account and creating our own internal statistical for in-house analytical purposes even though such analytical or statistical or developmental use shall be done by treating the data  in its encrypted/anonymised version so that  there is no risk of breach of  personal privacy;
      3. Collect and store it as part of the registration and in order to monitor your use of the Software;
      4. Contact you to ensure that the information we have in our records is accurate or when in need of additional information to complete your profile;
      5. Prevent activity we determine to be potentially illegal;
      6. Enforce this Privacy Policy and/or our End Users Licence Agreement or any other purpose referenced herein or therein.
    1. Protection of Data

FireCompass undertakes the following steps to protect your data:

      1. PII shall be collected and stored and secured by means of Select FireCompass personnel having due authorisation shall be allowed access to stored and encrypted PII. PII so stored shall be secured by usage of softwares and mechanisms that is updated and recent with respect to industry best practices ,compliant with reasonable security practices and procedures and compliant with IS/ISO/IEC 27001 on “Information Technology – Security Techniques – Information Security Management System – Requirements”.
      2. All Information collected and stored shall be protected, secured and encrypted in compliance with the reasonable security practices and procedures.
      3. The security practices and procedures are compliant with the codes of industry best practices and procedures and the standard of IS/ISO/IEC 27001 on “Information Technology – Security Techniques – Information Security Management System – Requirements”.
      4. The security procedures, practices and other security protocols are regularly audited and updated to comply with industry best practices.
      5. Any Information provided by you shall not be published or made available in the public domain or for purposes not mentioned in the Privacy Policy, such as marketing, without your explicit consent;
      6. The relevant Data you provide shall be stored only for the period of time it is essential to provide FireCompass services. Data may be stored for a longer period of time in the event of an investigation or otherwise mandated by any Government agency.
      7. Any Data and Information shall not be provided to any third party except for the processes required to give effect to the services and to improve or expand upon the services provided, subject to the FireCompass Terms of Service (“Terms of Service”). Data shall only be shared with a third party for background services including but not limited to storage, processing, encryption etc. and in accordance with the Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy.
      8. In case the Information provided by you violates any law in force, or infringes upon copyright or found to be inauthentic or non-compliant with the Privacy Policy or Terms of Service, FireCompass reserves the right to suspend all services being provided and terminate all agreements that you may have entered into to avail services provided by FireCompass.
      9. Further, FireCompass also uses tools and applications to detect, censor and filter unlawful content. In the event of detection of such content, FireCompass reserves the right to suspend your accounts, services and terminate any agreements in force.
    1. Review and Withdrawal of Information
      1. You may review the personally identifiable information provided to us and alter the same in the event of any inaccuracy or deficiency, by making a request to do so, and we shall attempt to give effect to the request at the earliest.
      2. You may also withdraw consent to provide us access to all or specific information that you have consented to provide earlier. However, this is liable to affect the services being provided to you.
      3. For any request pertaining to review or withdrawal of information, contact the Grievance Officer as per the details provided and as defined in the clause 12 (Grievance Officer) below. 
    1. Third Parties and Third Party access to Data
      1. By visiting and browsing the Website, you hereby agree to allow FireCompass to use, store and transfer the data as per the terms of this Privacy Policy.
      2. FireCompass may collaborate with third parties and third party platforms in order to provide products, services or links in association with third parties. You hereby provide consent to FireCompass to share your Data with such third parties and abide by the terms and conditions as stipulated by such third parties.
      3. You are also expected to comply and adhere to terms and conditions and the respective privacy policies of such third parties. FireCompass is not responsible or liable for non-compliance or breach or any loss caused due to third party actions.
      4. In the event of sale of any FireCompass asset or resource, or any other department functioning under it to an external buyer or third party, your data may be transferred to such an entity. However, you will be notified about any such transfer and the information of such a third party shall be provided to you.
      5. FireCompass shall not be responsible for any compliance or breach on part of the third party organisation beyond reasonable due diligence carried out by FireCompass.
      6. FireCompass shall not be responsible or under any obligation for any loss of Data or Information, or any Information breach that occurs due to any action, negligence or omission on part of such third parties or third party platforms.
      7. In the event that FireCompass incurs any loss or damages owing to any legal or penal action initiated by third parties, as a result of any action or omission attributable to you, you shall be liable to indemnify and hold harmless FireCompass for any such loss incurred.
      8. For any other purpose not covered under the Privacy Policy, FireCompass shall notify you and obtain your explicit consent about sharing your Data and you may choose to disallow such sharing. However, this may affect or alter the services provided to you by FireCompass.
    1. Minors
      1. Minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to register on or avail of any services on the FireCompass website, or browse or use the website. By continuing to browse this site, you agree that you are over 18 years of age.
      2. FireCompass shall not request any Data from a minor in any event.
      3. In the event you wish to notify us about your child or ward or any other minor using a FireCompass service without authorisation, you may notify the Grievance Officer using the details provided and as defined in clause 12 (Grievance Officer) below, and prompt action shall be taken to remedy the same.
    1. Cookies
      1. Our site uses cookies and other similar technologies to distinguish you from other users of our site. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our site and also allows us to improve our site. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
      2. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer. We only use (and store) non-essential cookies on your computer’s browser or hard drive if you provide your consent.
      3. Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, which we do not have any control over. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies.You hereby agree that we are not responsible for the actions of any third parties.
      4. You may block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.
    1. Indemnity

 You hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless FireCompass, including legal costs incurred, for any dispute, penal or legal action initiated by a third party for any loss or breach caused by your actions.

    1. Limitation of Liability

We shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss of profit, production, anticipated savings, goodwill or business opportunities or any type of direct or indirect, incidental, economic, compensatory, punitive, exemplary or consequential losses arising out of performance or non-performance of its obligations under this Privacy Policy.

At any point of time, Firecompass’s liability for any loss arising from a particular transaction carried out by the Customer on the Website shall not exceed the consideration paid by the Customer to the Firecompass for such particular transaction.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Privacy Policy or elsewhere, we shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of your personal information, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to a Force Majeure Event. “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any event that is beyond the reasonable control of us and shall include, without limitation, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, lock down, acts of God, epidemic, pandemic, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorised access to computer, computer system or computer network, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption (provided beyond reasonable control of us), power or electricity failure or unavailability of adequate power or electricity.

    1. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
      1. Governing Law:The website and products by FireCompass Technologies Pvt. Ltd. are governed by all laws applicable within the territory of India including the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008, Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 and the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices AndProcedures AndSensitive Personal Data Or Information) Rules, 2011. By visiting, browsing or in any way using the website and/or registering for any FireCompass services you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy thereby consenting to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Bangalore, India, in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Sites or the Privacy Policy.
      2. Dispute Resolution:Disputes may be referred to arbitration, which shall then be governed as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. A sole arbitrator may be appointed within thirty days of notice of such dispute, and in the event such an appointment fails, both parties shall nominate one arbitrator who shall further nominate and appoint a third arbitrator to preside over a tribunal so appointed. The procedure of arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.  The place of arbitration shall be Bangalore.
    1. Alterations and Changes

Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or post.Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy

    1. Grievance Officer

In accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below,

Name: PK Ghosh

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: +91-9830063022


If you have additional questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or want to make any request or suggestions regarding certain Personal Information, please contact us at [email protected].