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European Crisis
Adversary TTP Based Red Teaming

FireCompass As Featured In

How safe is your organization against a cyber attack in the context of current European crisis?

We are glad to launch Red Team Assessment from the perspective of threat actors in the context of the current European Crisis.
  • Map the threat actors and TTPs in regards to European Crisis based on threat intelligence and advisory from NCSC, CISA, etc
  • Hunt for assets or risks exposure commonly exploited by the above threat actors
  • Run real-life attacks using TTPs (including specific CVEs, recon techniques, malware attack vectors, attack techniques) and check your security posture

"The tool has exceeded our expectations"

- Risk Manager, Sprint USA (now part of T-Mobile)

FireCompass Red Teaming-as-a-Service

Runs Continuously. No Software. No Hardware. No Additional Resources

Automated RECON

Identify all IPs, Applications, shadow IT assets, exposed database/cloud buckets, code leaks, leaked credentials, vulnerabilities, exposed test/pre-production systems, etc.

Emulate Adversary TTPs

Launches multi-stage attacks on your attack surface and identifies the breach and attack paths. Emulate specific adversary TTP to test for potential risks.

Attack Playbooks

ASM, VA tools throws a lot of findings. FireCompass custom attack playbooks helps in prioritizing risks that matters from your adversary/risk perspective.

Advantages Of FireCompass Red Teaming-as-a-Service

Continuous Testing

Continuous testing of infrastructure & security defenses

False Positive Elimination

Remove false positives, highlight critical risks

Risk Based Prioritization

The dashboard summarizes the high, medium & low priority risks

Zero Installation
& Setup

No software, No agents, Near zero time deployment