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Monthly Breach Report August 2020 – FireCompass

      Kiwi Bank Breach Kiwibank is investigating how it sent 4200 customers an email or online bank statement with their own account number, name and address, but another person’s transaction history. The commissioner, John Edwards, said some people will be identifiable by the statements and information sent. “We generally have an expectation that… Read More »Monthly Breach Report August 2020 – FireCompass

Critical “SMBleed”, Vulnerability: Why Should You Be Worried?

This blog is contributed by Apoorv Saxena, technical team, FireCompass. At the end of May a researcher by the pseudonym “chompie”  published a tweet that showed a working PoC for CVE-2020-0976(SMBGhost), expecting a similar disclosure from the ZecOps security. As part of Microsoft June 2020 Patch release on June 9, ZecOps Researcher disclosed a new… Read More »Critical “SMBleed”, Vulnerability: Why Should You Be Worried?

Monthly Breach Report June 2020

This report summarizes the top breaches between mid May to June 2020 accounting for the major breaches the world has seen. This helps you in keeping track of the latest hacks and safeguarding your organization by looking at the trends. We share insights to the breach 1.“Bank Of America (BofA) Data Breach” Bank Of America… Read More »Monthly Breach Report June 2020