Attack Surface Management & Accurate Asset Inventory
Valuable risk context and actionable information for security risk managers about Known and Unknown Internet Facing Assets
Valuable risk context and actionable information for security risk managers about Known and Unknown Internet Facing Assets
Failure to conduct an extensive attacker-like reconnaissance frequently leaves low-hanging fruits easily exploited by cybercriminals. And because attack surfaces are dynamic you will want continuous attack surface mapping and security testing especially on assets residing in “Shadow IT” for your organization and third parties.
Starting in 2018, Gartner suggested security leaders utilize EASM to reduce, monitor, and manage their attack surface as part of their holistic cybersecurity risk program. External Attack Surface Management coupled with continuous security testing needs to be a top priority for CIO, CISOs & security teams.
Daily risk port scanning & testing on the attack surface
Accurate asset attribution and false positive elimination
Hunting and Attack Playbooks to stay ahead of attackers
Automated due diligence and risk governance
FireCompass helps stop external breaches which might happen due to vulnerabilities in risky assets where the organization has no attack surface visibility or has lost visibility
FireCompass helps organizations to reduce their Digital Attack Surface by identifying all unnecessary open ports/services & all possible vulnerabilities from known and unknown assets
Hunting and Attack Playbooks to stay ahead of attackers
By using our External Attack Surface Monitoring, you gain Attack Surface Visibility to understand your assets and associated risks.
With the FireCompass Attack Surface Management Platform:
With the FireCompass Attack Surface Management Platform, you will get continuous monitoring and testing of your internet exposed assets and provide accurate real-time risk management. FireCompass tests for vulnerabilities, open ports, risky assets, misconfigured databases on any internet-facing infrastructure.
FireCompass helps to reduce attack surface by providing Digital Attack Surface Visibility & Mapping to help organizations remove assets which are not in use or not required.
FireCompass tool identifies, analyses and prioritizes digital risks. The dashboard summarizes the high, medium, and low priority risks and recommends mitigation steps.
Continuously Test Your Entire Attack Surface and alert on any changes, including vulnerabilities, new ports or other changes to internet-facing infrastructure.
As Gartner puts it, “External attack surface management (EASM) refers to the processes, technology and managed services deployed to discover internet-facing enterprise assets and systems and associated vulnerabilities which include exposed servers, credentials, public cloud service misconfigurations, deep dark web disclosures and third-party partner software code vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries. EASM provides valuable risk context and actionable information through: Monitoring continuously for exposed assets and asset discovery for external-facing assets and systems Analysis to assess and prioritize the risks and vulnerabilities discovered External attack surface management is a top priority for security teams and security risk managers.”
FireCompass prioritizes External Attack Surface Management efforts by first assessing the risk levels of existing attack surface areas, and then determining the most effective mitigation strategies for each. It then prioritizes the remediation of the highest-risk areas to reduce the overall attack surface. The process includes identifying and classifying attack surface assets, mapping the attack surface, analyzing and assessing risk, and implementing mitigation strategies. FireCompass also offers various advisories and recommendations to improve the effectiveness of attack surface management efforts.
An organization’s External attack surface management (EASM) refers to the processes, technology and managed services deployed to discover internet-facing enterprise assets/ systems and associated vulnerabilities like exposed servers, credentials, public cloud service misconfigurations, deep dark web disclosures that could be exploited by attackers. On the other hand the internal attack surface represents everything inside an organization’s network that employees use.
FireCompass automates External Attack Surface Management by providing a centralized platform to identify and prioritize external attack surfaces and vulnerabilities. It uses machine learning and advanced analytics to continuously monitor and scan the external attack surfaces and identify potential threats. It also provides detailed reporting and analytics to help organizations gain better insights into their attack surface and take corrective actions accordingly. FireCompass also helps organizations to actively manage their external attack surface by providing patching advice, reporting, and remediation capabilities.
External Attack Surface Management can be an invaluable asset for small businesses. It can help them identify and mitigate potential risks to their online presence, allowing them to protect their customers’ data, their corporate data, and their intellectual property. This can also help small businesses remain up to date on the latest cybersecurity trends and technologies. Additionally, it can help them reduce their overall security costs as they can focus on preventing attacks instead of responding to them. Finally, it can help them ensure their compliance with industry standards and regulations.
External Attack Surface Management is a proactive approach to securing an organization’s external resources, such as websites, web applications, and cloud services. It involves scanning for potential vulnerabilities, monitoring for malicious activity, and responding quickly to any threats detected. Threat intelligence is information gathered from outside sources, such as hacker forums and dark web sources, to identify and anticipate potential threats. By leveraging threat intelligence, organizations can be better informed when it comes to external attack surface management, allowing them to proactively address potential threats before they become an issue.
External Attack Surface Management can be used to improve security posture by proactively identifying and addressing potential security vulnerabilities in external-facing systems, including web applications. This is done by scanning for known vulnerabilities, assessing current security controls, and conducting penetration tests. Additionally, external attack surface management helps organizations prioritize risk mitigation efforts by providing visibility into potential attack vectors, allowing organizations to focus their resources on the most critical risks. Finally, external attack surface management helps organizations stay up-to-date on the latest threats and trends, enabling them to better prepare for future attacks. In other words, it democratizes red teaming by distributing information to the entire organization.
External Attack Surface Management works with endpoint security to identify, monitor, and protect all externally facing assets from external threats. This includes improper network placement, scanning for vulnerabilities, and patching any security holes in the systems exposed. Additionally, external attack surface management can be used to emulate external threat scenarios such as phishing attacks, malware injection, credential stuffing and web application attacks where endpoint controls may or may not be effective. The emulation of attacks can test these endpoint defenses before they are circumvented by attackers.
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